TWO FUN-LOVING GUYS ... In Their Own Deadly Case! It all starts here in Firestorm #46... picks up in Blue Devil #23... and concludes in Firestorm #47! Concocted by Gerry Conway & Joe Brozowski, Mishkin, Cohn, & Kupperberg! Get in on the action... NOW!
Wow, that's a hell of a lot of ellipses for one house ad, huh? One of these books was canceled a year later, and the other underwent a sweeping creative revision, so were either of these guys helping the other? I can't recall if I ever owned all the Nuclear Man parts, but I definitely enjoyed the Blue Devil issue (and likely the concluding chapter as well.) I followed that series as a kid through 25¢ copies resold at flea markets (none of which still exist, by the way.)
Dude! Love the post! Blue Devil and Firestorm!! I'm in heaven!
I gotta ask... did you recolor that ad? The colors are amazing! I tried scanning the same ad a few months ago and mine came out looking like crap. Yours is gorgeous!
The Irredeemable Shag
Two important factors in the quality of this scan:
1) It was taken from a comic with high quality Baxter format stock instead of the usual crap paper.
2) I enhanced the art using Nero Ultimate Edition 7 filters to improve the exposure, colors, "noise," rotation, and contrast. The program is very easy to use, and much of it is automated. I also did some light touch-ups to remove bits of grain, discoloration, and stray ink blots.
If you'd like, you can either replace your scan with this one, or I can send you a new one with your preferred dimensions. It's no bother either way.
As always Frank, you're super-cool. How about I go one better and just link back to you. That way you get the credit for it.
The Irredeemable Shag
Wellll... I do use really foul language and offer a semi-regularly series of posts about a softcore porn heroine, so there might be some issues with linking. You know your audience better than I, so I leave it in your hands. I don't worry overly much about ...nurgh... traffic, as I try to keep it as random and counter-intuitive as possible, given my schedule. The image remains there for you.
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