Released: 1992
Album: Ignition
Single?: Radio-only in 1995
"Kick Him When He's Down" was the third track on the Offspring's best album, but I didn't hear it until after the mid-'90s dawn of pop-punk on a short-lived new wave/grunge/indie music station. I was working security alone at a sprawling auto center, and hearing the tune would inspire me to hop around in uniform like a spastic '80s club kid, or maybe Ally Sheedy's Breakfast Club character on a pixie stick high. It's a sad, shameless spectacle, but to this day the song gives me happy feet. It's a pretty simple tune about a guy dealing with a bad time and the worst best intentions of others. I definitely had my share of know-nothing authority figures/pseudo-friends play the same game with me, but I got a lot more out of my Lording over the Dance in an empty apartment/parking lot.
"Hey, you're a riddle," I say as I move aside
Like I really need your advice
But you won't leave it alone
Little men try but don't get a lot done
Living in sin don't move me either way
I get a feeling you're so vague
Like I said before
Little men come when anything goes
When the rain comes I sit home and pray
Make it all numb I wish it all away
All I really need is just somewhere to hide away
(Kick him when he's down)
Here alone I'll put up and fight
(Kick him when he's down)
Beat me all the way I'll take it all night
(Kick him when he's down)
Hey, don't worry, I'll get along home alright
Hey, everybody's supposed to be the same
So how come they're so lame?
It's like taking a fall
Keep on running back into that wall
Awake in a dream, get up and go to work
But I'm feeling like such a jerk
Like I said before
Little men come when everything goes
"Hey, you're a riddle," I say as I move aside
Like I really need your advice
But you won't leave it alone
Little men try but don't get a lot done
Living in sin don't move me either way
I get a feeling you're so vague
Like I said before
Little men come when anything goes
[Chorus w/ adlibs]

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