Most of my Emmanuelle posts to date have been really long, which won't necessarily remain the case, but I thought I and whatever readers I have might like a fanciful break. I also want to do a post on the legend of "Emmanuelle Arsan," which I began drafting before the first Emmanu-Wednesday post. The hold up is that "Arsan" was a French writer with a large French fan base, the source of most of my reference. I took a semester of French in junior high. Translating all that text on Babelfish takes serious time and effort.
I mention all this because you may wonder what a pin-up of Marayat Rollet-Andriane, also known by her stage name of Marayat Andriane and birth name Marayat Bibidh, has to do with "Emmanuelle." Well see, she's the "real" thing. Marayat's life served as the basis for the original book, she was married to the author, and many still believe she actually was "Emmanuelle Arsan." This unfortunately includes The Internet Movie Database (IMDb), but what else is new? As an added bonus, Marayat appeared in Laure, sometimes called "Forever Emmanuelle," based on the book by "Emmanuelle Arsan." It really gets incestuous when you realize "Emmanuelle Arsan" directed "Laure," and that star Annie Belle appeared with Laura Gemser in "Black Emmanuelle, White Emmanuelle." More on all that later, though.
For now, enjoy the bikini shot of "The Real Emmanuelle," taken from The Sand Pebbles (Two-Disc Special Edition), which we'll also get to later. There's so few good, large pictures of this beauty on the internet, I'm pleased to take this opportunity to offer one.
She was not married to the author, she was the author of theses books. The only one who made the supposition that the real author was his husband was Assonitis, the film director of "Laure", but he has no proof of that.
If you could direct me to references, I'd be happy to follow up on your assertion. However, all the reading I've done has led to the conclusion that "Emmanuelle Arsan" being a woman, much less this woman, is a popular myth. I plan on digging into that as Emmanu-Wednesday progresses though, so more information would be welcome.
Francis Leroi, who wrote the screenplay of "Emmanuelle 2", also said the same thing in his memoirs "70, années érotiques" : according to him, the real author was a French diplomat who penned an erotic novel based on the sex life of his wife and himself, and his publisher came up with the idea of marketing the book as being written by a woman. So they later passed Marayat Andriane, the author's wife, as being "Emmanuelle Arsan"
Thanks for the info!
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